Current Raffles
Recent Raffles
Sig P365 Tac Pac Raffle 2023
3v3 Tournament Raffle and Gun Raffle
Our 3v3 Tournament Raffle and Gun Raffle were held on June 27th at the 6th Annual Summer Sled Challenge. Congratulations to all the winners!! Thank you so much to everyone who purchased tickets. Extra special thank you to everyone who donated baskets and prizes – Frog Bones, Cabot Cheese, Brevard Zoo, Southern Glazers, Crayola Experience, Total Wine, Wawa, Mister Car Wash, USA Hockey, The Blade Guy, and the Szymula and Wagner Families.
Our Annual 50/50 Raffle was drawn on December 13, 2020.
Thank you to the 100 entrants who contributed to the fundraiser. An extra special Thank you to our winner for donating some of the winnings back to the team!!
Sig P365 Tac Pack Raffle: Congratulations to our winner, Ricky Rodriguez! Thank you everyone for the support and Frogbones Family Shooting Center for donating the firearm!
Our Annual 50/50 Raffle was drawn on December 8, 2019. Check out our blog post: to see who won the $2500 prize. Thank you to everyone who bought tickets this year!